My dad is an avid cinema-goer and often travels for work, so takes himself to see films in the evenings and weekends. This reminded me of him telling me he ordered a buttered popcorn in the US and he couldn't believe how much butter they put on 🤣 I love buttered popcorn and I always order salted, so maybe I'm made for American cinemas!

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It's so wild to see how many different popcorn preferences there are out there! I personally don't like *too* much butter / oil, but a little extra helps the toppings stick!

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The best movie theater popcorn I've ever had (salty variety) is at the American Cinematheque theaters in Los Angeles, CA. Ambrosia. I am NOT a popcorn eater at the movies normally, and I ALWAYS get popcorn when I go to their venues.

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That's so interesting. I've noticed non-profit theaters on the east coast often have elite popcorn compared to their for-profit counterparts. You would think it would be the other way around, but I suppose the non-profit folks care deeply about every aspect of moving-going!

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