2024 has definitely been an interesting year. A little long, but never, ever dull. And I agree about people looking for luxury and comfort when things are harder. I read a long time ago that more households during the Depression owned a lipstick than a jar of mustard.
2024 has definitely been an interesting year. A little long, but never, ever dull. And I agree about people looking for luxury and comfort when things are harder. I read a long time ago that more households during the Depression owned a lipstick than a jar of mustard.
I've read something similar! A pigmented tube of lipstick can last a long time. Mustard will be gone in two weeks. Here's to a mustard-abundant 2025?!
Yes! Who doesn't like mustard? :-)
Bathtubs and Bagels waiting room
So long as it's not my bathtub, I'm down.